VSTEP wins Mexican Navy Simulator Contract
The Mexican Navy selected VSTEP to supply a Class A NAUTIS Full Mission Bridge (FMB) Simulator and 24 NAUTIS desktop trainer stations for the Naval Academy in Veracruz. The simulators…
Eurofighter Submits Bid to Denmark
Typhoon fighter proposed to replace F-16 fleet Airbus Defence and Space has submitted its bid in response to the Danish Ministry of Defence´s tender for the replacement of Denmark´s fleet…
Sale of Swedish Shipyard Activities ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AB to Saab Completed
The sale of the Swedish shipyard ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AB (formerly Kockums) with facilities in Malmö, Karlskrona and Muskö to Saab is complete. With the closing today ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions…
P.1HH Hammerhead Programme Reaches New Milestone
Piaggio Aero, together with Finmeccanica – Selex ES are pleased to announce the latest developments in the flight campaign of the Remotely Piloted Air System (RPAS) P.1HH HammerHead DEMO aircraft…
Raytheon Upgrades Japanese Navy’s Friend or Foe Transponders
In partnership with Hitachi Kokusai, Raytheon Company is leading Japan’s P-1 maritime surveillance aircraft modernization project. The upgrade features Raytheon’s Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transponders containing modern technologies, which…
US Air Force Integrating Raytheon Aircraft-Tracking Transponders
Raytheon Company has started integrating Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) capabilities for the U.S. Air Force’s largest airplanes to ensure that the service meets an international deadline for equipping military aircraft…
US Air Force Fires Two AMRAAMs from Next-generation Fighter
A U.S. Air Force pilot successfully fired two Raytheon Company AIM 120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles from an F-35B fighter aircraft. The missiles tracked and engaged two aerial targets…
More Data Sharing for Thousands of Chinooks, Apaches, Black Hawks
Thanks to Raytheon Company, the U.S. Army helicopter fleet will benefit from the first major radio system upgrade since 2005. The radios will meet the government’s data security requirements and…
Cutting Edge Thermal Imaging Technology at ADAS 2014
British company Thermoteknix is presenting cutting edge Thermal Imaging Technology for Defence and Security at the ADAS 2014, Philippines. Thermoteknix are showcasing their ground-breaking ClipIR® which creates Fused Night Vision,…
Raytheon Missiles Make History in Long-Range, Supersonic Tests
A U.S. Navy ship using a Raytheon-made missile has destroyed a target in the longest-distance surface-to-air strike in naval history. In a milestone series of three tests in June, the…