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Month: November 2015

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  • Enhanced Technology Will Allow Scalable Effects During Operations

Enhanced Technology Will Allow Scalable Effects During Operations

 A technology being developed to allow military forces to select the explosive output in theatre – commonly known as ‘scalable effects’ or ‘dial a yield’ – has been successfully demonstrated…

Saab at The Dubai Airshow 2015

 Defence and security company Saab is proud to attend the Dubai Airshow, United Arab Emirates, from 8 to 12 November 2015. At the Dubai Airshow 2015 Saab will show how…

Maaskant Shipyards Delivers Innovative Razor Shell Dredger

 The Dutch fishing cooperative YE 118 Noordland BV has taken on the 2nd of November delivery of its new shellfish dredger from Damen Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam. While the vessel shares…

BAE Systems and Reaction Engines to Develop a Ground Breaking New Aerospace Engine

 BAE Systems and Reaction Engines Limited (‘Reaction Engines’) announced on the 2nd of November a strategic investment by BAE Systems and a working collaboration to accelerate Reaction Engines’ development of…

Infoblox Appoints Ricardo Moreno as Vice President of Worldwide Channels

Infoblox Inc., the network control company, today announced that Ricardo Moreno has joined Infoblox as vice president of worldwide channels, effective immediately. Moreno is responsible for all aspects of the…