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Month: November 2015

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RBS 70 NG Successfully Integrated and Tested by Czech Army

On the 26 October 2015 the Army of the Czech Republic’s 252ndAir Defence Missile Battalion conducted a live-firing with Saab’s latest generation of the RBS 70 missile system, the RBS…

Contract Signed Between Damen and Frøy Vest as For Delivery of Stan Pontoon 4113 and Multi Cat 2712

The contract was signed between Damen Shipyards Gorinchem and Frøy Vest AS from Norway, for delivery of a Stan Pontoon 4113 (YN 523702) and a Multi Cat 2712 (YN 571725).…

Infoblox Enhances Carrier-Grade DNS Protection to Block More Attacks against Service Providers

Infoblox Inc., the network control company, announced enhancements to its carrier-grade DNS solution portfolio to block more types of attacks against service providers and deliver a better subscriber experience. These…

What Lurks in the Shadows: Advanced Cyber Attacks that Hide in SSL Traffic

By: Glen Ogden, Regional Sales Director, Middle East at A10 Networks From Target to Sony, and Anthem to Ashley Madison, no company is immune to the risk of cyber-attacks and…

Sabre Shares Top Technology Trends Shaping Travel in Oman

Sabre Corporation (NASDAQ: SABR) a leading global technology provider to the travel and tourism industry has unveiled the top technology trends shaping the future of travel in Oman. The trends…

Sabre and Gulf Air Take Kuwaiti Travel Agents to France

Sabre, a leading global technology provider to the travel and tourism industry, in partnership with Gulf Air, the Kingdom of Bahrain’s national carrier, recently organized a familiarization trip to Cannes…

Arizona Technology Council Honors Raytheon Missile Systems with 2015 Pioneering Award

The Arizona Technology Council presented on the 12th of November its prestigious Pioneering Award for 2015 to Raytheon Company’s Missile Systems business. Raytheon Missile Systems received the honor during the…

Lockheed Martin and Multicut A/S Announce Award Notification for F-35 Lightning II Work

Lockheed Martin notified Multicut A/S of a pending contract award to manufacture aluminum machined details and assemblies for the fifth generation F-35 Lightning II aircraft in a ceremony on the…

Aeromexico Inaugurates The New Boeing 787 Simulator

Aeromexico, Mexico’s global airline, in partnership with Lockheed Martin Commercial Flight Training (LMCFT), presented on the 12th of November its new Boeing 787 flight simulator at the Aeromexico Training facility.…

Clyde Marine Services Takes Delivery of Its First Damen ASD Tug

Clyde Marine Services has taken delivery on the 11th of November of its first Damen ASD Tug. The Damen ASD 2310 has been named CMS Warrior and she will join…